中国侨网11月22日电 据中国驻克赖斯特彻奇总领馆微信公众号消息,11月13日,新西兰移民局网站发布近期针对新西兰签证持有者的电话诈骗提醒。现将原文及我馆参考译文转发,请领区华侨华人提高警惕,谨防上当。
Recent Immigration Phone Scams
Information about Immigration Phone Scams Targeting Visa Holders in New Zealand
Immigration New Zealand is aware of recent targeted phone scams coming from various New Zealand mobile numbers.
One example of these scams states the call is coming from 'The Immigration Bureau' saying there is a 'serious problem with your visa'. The call then prompts recipients to press different numbers for English or Chinese services.
Please be aware that these are not genuine calls from Immigration New Zealand.
If you or someone you know receives this call or a similar one, report it to CERT NZ and do not engage further.
If you are a visa holder and you receive a scam call, and you would like reassurance on your current visa situation, please call our Service Centre and they can discuss any visa matters with you directly.
These sorts of calls are intended to identify people for further scams. In the future they may attempt to manipulate or trick people into giving away their personal details, financial details, or money.
You can learn more about scams and fraud on the Own Your Online website.
可在Own Your Online网站上了解更多关于诈骗和欺诈信息。